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FDR Memorial

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fdr memorial in washington dc

The FDR Memorial is located along the Western edge of the Tidal Basin, between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. Built in 1997, the memorial is known for its unique design, its tribute to our 32nd President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and for the fact that it tells the story of America during the years of FDR’s Presidency. Four outdoor rooms portray the President’s terms in office, each with different statues and quotes. Beginning with a likeness of him riding in a car during his first inaugural speech and ending with him seated in a wheelchair, the memorial traces his twelve years of office as well as the many changes our country went through during that era.

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Murals depicting the New Deal, a statue of a man listening intently to FDR’s Fireside Chat and other intriguing facets of the memorial make it an extraordinary spot.

Visitors from around the world enjoy walking through the vast, open seven and a-half acres, which also includes waterfalls and naturally beautiful scenery.

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