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Frequently Asked Questions

old tow -trolley key west faqs

Old Town Trolley of Key West FAQs

Read below to get answers to our most frequently asked questions.

How long does the tour last?

The Old Town Trolley Tour is a 90-minute, fully narrated tour of Key West, but with the 13 stops, free re-boarding, and an all-day pass, the tour can last as long as you want! For times, go to tour schedule.

Where can I start my tour?

You can begin your tour at any of our stops. Please refer to our Key West Map to find the location closest to you.

What language are the tours in?

All of our tours are in English.

What time do the tours start?

Go to tour schedule.

How often do trolleys come to each stop?

Our trolleys come by approximately every 30 minutes, though times may vary slightly due to traffic conditions. Depending on demand and the time of year, our in-field dispatchers often put more trolleys in the tour loop at an increased frequency.

What if the trolley does not have available seats when I want to re-board?

During peak times, we cannot guarantee that each trolley will have available seats.* Our in-field dispatchers will send another trolley directly to the stop for guests that were unable to board. The trolleys will usually arrive in less than 15 minutes.

How much does the trolley tour cost?

Please refer to our Key West Tickets Section, and don’t forget to ask our CASTmembers about cost saving Key West Packages.

What is the last Key West tour of the day?

The last tour of the day depends on the depot where you are starting. Please refer to our Key West Trolley Schedule Section.

Where do I park?

Parking on a 2 mile by 4 mile island can be difficult. Our tour route and stops are at convenient locations all around the island, within walking distance of most major hotels and attractions.

Go to Where to Park for parking near some of our stops.

Can I bring my stroller on board the trolley?

Yes, strollers must be folded and stored during the tour. For the safety of the child, it is never allowed for the baby to ride in the stroller through the tour. Strollers in the aisle ways would constitute a safety hazard. Guests may board and disembark at any stop.

Are food and drinks allowed while on the tour?

Food and drinks are welcome. However alcoholic beverages are not allowed under any circumstance for the safety and comfort of all of our guests.

Are dogs allowed on your trolleys?

Service animals are the only animals that are allowed on board the trolleys. A service animal means a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Animal species other than dogs, emotional support animals, comfort animals, companionship animals, and service animals in training are not service animals.

Do you have any discounts for locals?


The first Sunday is Locals Day. All residents of Monroe County, FL may visit the following attractions free* of charge on the first Sunday of each month: Sails to Rails Museum, Harry S. Truman Little White House, Key West Aquarium, Old Town Trolley Tours, Conch Tour Train and Key West Shipwreck & Treasure Museum. *Must have valid proof of Monroe County residency and picture ID: Driver’s License or Voter Registration. We cannot accept utility bills or rental leases. Other restrictions may apply.

September is Locals Month which means free* admission during the month of September for all Monroe County Residents. This offer is for families and individuals, not groups (schools, churches, scouts, etc.) *Must have valid proof of Monroe County residency and picture ID: Driver’s License or Voter Registration. We cannot accept utility bills or rental leases. Other restrictions may apply.

Hometown Pass: Residents of Monroe County can sign up for a free Hometown Pass and receive a complimentary ticket to various attractions when accompanied by a paid adult guest*. Restrictions apply. Sign Up For Hometown Pass here and learn more.

Are your trolleys handicap accessible for individuals with wheelchairs and motorized scooters?

If the guest is ambulatory, collapsible wheelchairs can be accommodated at any time. We will fold them and stow them during the tour. Guests may board and disembark at any stop.

Indeed, a number of our fleet are equipped with motorized lifts that can accommodate scooters and/or wheelchairs. We are happy to provide this service, but ask for a few small accommodations to allow us to do so with the utmost safety and minimal impact on other guests utilizing our service. If a guest is non-ambulatory or has a non-collapsible chair/scooter, we do have several trolleys equipped with hydraulic lifts. For the safety of the guest, the lift can be deployed at stops 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 10 (Mallory Square, Mac’s SeaGarden, Simonton Row, Roosevelt Depot, Hampton Inn, and the Casa Marina.)

We request that you give us as much notice as possible as to your arrival date and the time you’d like to take the tour (24 hours preferred). This will assure that a properly equipped vehicle will be made available for your use. Please arrive at your pre arranged stop no less than 15 minutes prior to your departure time so that we can accomplish the loading process smoothly and safely. This means that you will need to secure your own transportation to one of these locations and that you cannot utilize the ON/OFF privileges on the tour. Because of the high volume of our stops, including significant traffic density and uneven pavement, use of the lift outside of these locations would be inadvisable.

For more information, go to accessibility services.

Do you run tours in any other cities?

Old Town Trolley Tours operates sightseeing tours and historically themed tourist attractions in 9 different cities around the country. Go to Sightseeing Tours to learn more about our other cities.

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